Monday 23 January 2017

If All Ice Melted

ASAP Science (YouTube Channel)
What If All The Ice Melted On Earth? ft. Bill Nye
September 7, 2016

Summary: Climate change is warming the entire world and the Arctic twice as fast. This video shows what would happen if all the ice in the world melted. Currently there is enough ice to cover North America 10 meters high. The first ice to melt will be sea ice since it is in Warming water. Since this sea ice is melting oil companies are searching the northern oceans for untouched oil supplies and in turn disrupting the marine life by blasting air down to the sea floor. When it comes to sea levels the sea ice will not make the waters rise much since it already displaces most of the water around it. However 95% of earth's ice is land based and when this melts it could cause water levels to rise as much as 70 meters. This would flood the entire State of Florida, create an inland sea in Australia and displace billions of people. As more ice melts less ice reflects sunlight back into space which will cause the earth to warm even more. If we do not end global warming, global warming will end us.

Discussion: This theoretical situation would drastically change the lives of everyone and everything on the planet. We would lose most northern wildlife since the Arctic is mostly sea ice. Billions of people would have their homes flooded as the size of countries would diminish. It would cause conflicts between citizens who would be trying to find a new place to live. We would have less forests left and we would have a much denser population. To help this we can try to pollute less by car pooling, turn off lights and use green energy to name a few positive strategies. To help marine life being affected by oil exploration you can visit to sign a petition to show the government how many people care about our Arctic marine life. This video gives us a truly terrifying example of how deadly global warming can be.

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