Monday 23 January 2017


Irene Klotz, Seeker | December 1, 2016 01:02pm ET


The United States of America has been concerned about being able to intercept and destroy enemy missiles for years. Now they have released a contract to build defence systems to do just that. Most nukes or other missiles have multiple decoys which make the actual threat difficult to target. However this new project has a plan to launch many kill vehicles at once that will target and destroy all of the threats. They will destroy their targets by collision with help of their individual sensors, propulsion units and steering units. The impact would be equivalent to a 10 ton truck traveling at 600 mph. These explosions will all happen above the earth and the debris will be destroyed in the atmosphere. This project is just one step the United States of America is taking in order to protect itself and its allies.


I think this project is a very good idea, but I do not think it is entirely reliable. These kill vehicles will be launched from earth upon notice of a threat. If that threat is not identified in time the vehicles will be unsuccessful and the enemy missile will most likely hit its target. However if the program finds a way to launch the vehicles in time it will be very comforting to millions of citizens and officials who are worried about a nuclear attack. Another con to this program is competition. Now that the Multi Object Kill Vehicles are publicly announced enemy countries will develop technologies to avoid the new defences. With all these advances in nuclear warfare preparations the world becomes an even more dangerous place with even more tension ready to snap.

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